SAPPHIRE has five components:

Component 1: Policy Harmonization and Management Reforms

Approaches to ocean governance vary from country to country and from sector to sector, making it difficult to achieve cohesive management over shared resources like LMEs. This component will support the policy, legislative, and institutional reforms necessary to improve ocean governance

Component 2: Community Engagement

Though coastal communities are among the primary users and beneficiaries of ocean resources, they are often left out of ocean management processes. This component will engage and empower these communities in sustainable resource management.


Component 3: Private Sector Commitment

Effective ocean governance must involve ocean-related business- such as the tourism, fisheries, shipping, mining, etc.-must be involved. Under this component, SAPPHIRE will work with the private sector to mainstream ecosystem management in their operations and management practices.

Component 4: Best practices and lessons

Under this component, the project will identify and distribute best practices in areas like marine spatial planning, blue economy, in both EEZ and Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).


Component 5: Capacity Development

Under this cross-cutting component, , the project will provide training and support to the region to build sustainable capacity for improved ocean governance.