Additional Projects

The Nairobi Convention Secretariat has successfully implemented various projects within the Western Indian Ocean region through funding from organizations such as GEF and the Governments of Norway and Sweden and through partnerships with other organizations such as Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), Birdlife International, African Union (AU), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), WWF and IUCN. These include the project Addressing land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB) project (funded by GEF in 2004-2010) and the African Marine and Coastal Programme (Funded by Government of Sweden in 2011-2016).

Current Projects

Capacity Building

African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Countries Capacity Building of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) project: Effective implementation of the Nairobi Convention

Ocean Governance

A Partnership project for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth in the Western Indian Ocean


Integrated Management of the Marine and Coastal Resources of the Northern Mozambique Channel (NoCaMo) Project