Find a non-exhaustive list of the ‘Enforcing Environmental Treaties in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries- ACP MEAs 3 Programme‘ progress and accomplishments so far below.

1. Project Implementation Structures
  • The ACP MEAs 3 programme enhances environmental governance by supporting implementation and capacity building of LBSA & ICZM protocols. It also enhances amendment of the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region. This supports the development of a regional ocean governance framework, blue economy and marine spatial planning strategies, an ocean acidification action plan and a roadmap for conservation of migratory species and a regional marine environment status report.

    It also contributes to strengthening the management of marine biodiversity & environment by supporting implementation of the WIO MPA outlook recommendations. The programme is also supporting the development of a Critical Habitats outlook for the WIO region and holistic MPA management plans. There will also be capacity development for managers & the local community involved in MPA management and preparation of an ecosystem monitoring programme. Finally, it contributes to negotiations on biodiversity protection in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).

    The ACP MEAs 3 programme project contributes to reduction of marine pollution through supporting implementation of the regional action plan on marine litter for the WIO and development of national marine litter action plans. It also supports the establishment of marine water quality standards and associated objectives & targets.

    The project documents best practices & lessons in marine litter management through participatory workshops, awareness campaigns and promotion of the 3 Rs : Reducing, Reusing, Recycling.

2. Protocols, Reports, and More
3. Promoting the Project
  • The project released a Gender Note on the 2021 International Women’s Day, meant to provide guidance to project partners and collaborators on using specific gender considerations within the objectives and provisions of the project.

    Read newsletter issues from the ACP MEAs programme- HERE.


4. Partnerships
  • The project works closely with Nairobi Convention’s contracting parties, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) such as the EAC, IGAD, COMESA, SADC, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs)- specifically the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) & the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). It also works with partners such as Consortium for conservation of coastal & marine ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-C), commissions such as the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), African Union Commission (AUC), the Forum for Academic & Research Institutions (FARI), and other relevant stakeholders.

    Technical Working Group – In 2020, an MSP technical working group (TWG) was established and it drafted and presented the MSP strategy to the national TWG and Partners for review. The MSP strategy launch and be adopted by member countries, which will afterward report progress at COP10.