Getting Started

  1. How to Register
  2. How to Log in

How to register

Welcome, Nairobi Convention partners and friends, to the Community of Practice homepage, where you can connect with your fellow experts, colleagues, and group members. The following steps will highlight how one registers to the platform.

  • Click on the “Register” button on the menu bar that appears on the homepage.
  • From the screen that appears, enter the required details on the screen form and click on submit.
  • Once the form has been submitted, an email will be sent to the email address you provided for you to confirm the account created.
  • Once Confirmed you are now ready to log in to the platform

How to Log in

To log in to the system:

The menu contains the following items:

  • Home: This will take you to the community of practice homepage that has the group’s directory links. These are accessible only by logged-in users of the community of practice.
  • Community: This has various sub-pages that one can access that include;
    • About: This highlights the rules and guidelines for the community and also a short guide on how to use the system.
    • Members Directory: This lists all the members who are in the community portal
    • Groups Directory: This lists all the groups/communities that are in the portal
    • Forums: This lists all the open forums in the community and based on the community/group you are in it will list the group-specific forums