Nairobi Convention Engagement in Comoros

Demonstration Projects

In executing its projects, the Nairobi Convention is collaborating with governments and other stakeholders to implement the following demonstration projects in Comoros: 

WIOSAP Demonstration Projects

Sustainable management of shallow marine habitats in the Comoros through improved management planning and rehabilitation of degraded sites

Comoros’ oceans and coastlines feature astounding levels of biodiversity and species that can be found nowhere else on earth. However, a growing population and natural resource exploitation threaten these unique resources. In response, the Comorian government has designated a Marine Protected Areas (MPA)—or an area of ocean or coastline that has been specially-designated for protection for the benefit of nature and people—in Mohéli, and plans to designate an additional three MPAs in Coelacanth National Park, Mitsamiouli Ndroudé National Park and Shisiwani National Park by 2021.  

This project strengthens both the management of these MPAS and the resilience of their marine habitats through mangrove and seagrass rehabilitation. Expected outcomes include an approved management plan for all four MPAs; the rehabilitation of 1 hectare of mangrove forests and 1 hectare of seagrass; and enhanced capacity of local communities to participate in site management plans and restoration activities. 

Proponents: General Directorate of Environment and Forest; Comoros National Parks/Protected Areas Project, Association pour la Protection de L’Environnement aux Comores; and local communities. 

For more regional WIOSAP activities involving Comoros, click here. 

SAPPHIRE Demonstration Projects

Strengthening sectoral policy and co-management of natural resources for better conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Union of the Comoros

The implementation of this fisheries project is aimed at improving the quality of the practice for sustainability and is underway. The project is equipping local fishermen with skills on how to carry out alternative income generating activities and should eventually improve the management of the fisheries sector in the country. 

Proponents: Directorate General of Fisheries Resources, Comoros 

For more regional SAPPHIRE activities involving Comoros, click here 

National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analyses

In executing the SAPPHIRE project, the Nairobi Convention initiated the updating of the Comoros’ MEDA and the Transboundary Diagnosis Analyses (TDAs), developed under the ASCLME project. The MEDAs provide each country with an updated assessment of their ecosystems within their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and a baseline document upon which they can base their National Action Plans (NAP) for the sustainable management of marine resources.  

 Moreover, the scope of the MEDAs was expanded to include assessments of land-based sources of pollution—i.e. issues addressed by SAPPHIRE’s sister project, WIOSAP –meaning that countries will have their first-ever “Ridge to Reef” assessment of their marine ecosystems. The findings will be fed into an expanded regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and prioritize areas of concern that can be addressed through a merged Strategic Action Programme (SAP). 

Comoros has submitted its first draft of the MEDAs. 

Comoros’ Chapter in the Marine Protected Areas Outlook

The world, including Comoros, has committed to protecting at least 10% of its marine and coastal areas by 2020 under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.5. 

Under the WIOSAP project, the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA have released the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook, a publication that examined the progress, challenges, and opportunities faced by states in the WIO, including Comoros, as they strive to achieve SDG 14.5. 

Click here for Comoros’ chapter and here for a dashboard outlining Comoros’ progress towards achieving SDG 14.5