Western Indian Ocean Regional Science to Policy Workshop
In the delivery of its Work-Programme, the Convention executes various projects with partners across the region. Currently, the Convention is executing two GEF Projects: ‘Implementation of the Strategic Action Project for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities’ (WIOSAP) implemented by UN Environment; and Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystem Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms’ (WIO LME SAPPHIRE)project implemented by UNDP. The WIOSAP Project has proposed the establishment of a science-policy exchange platform under the Nairobi Convention for policy and for consensus on key LBSA and ICZM issues in the WIO Region; while the SAPPHIRE Project has proposed the establishment of a scientific and technical advisory panel (STAP) to serve as key point (bridge) to science to policy interface for improve ocean governance, evidence-based decision making and adaptive management. It is therefore proposed that one body is established at Convention level to serve these projects needs and wider Convention science and policy related matters. This body shall be called the Science to Policy Platform (SPP) for the Convention.
Objectives of the SPP Meeting.
The overall Goal of the meeting will be to establish and operationalize the Science to Policy Platform as a core structure within the Nairobi Convention
The specific objectives will include:
- Review of the TORs of the Platform, its membership and modus operandi;
- Discussions on the need for a regional ecosystem/indicator monitoring framework and road map on its development;
- Discussions on topical emerging scientific findings with potential policy implications in the management of coastal and marine resources in the region;
- Regional stock-taking of oceanographic research and data in the region;
- Discussion of various regional toolkits and Guidelines supporting implementation of the WIOSAP project.