Welcome, Nairobi Convention Member States, partners, and friends, to this issue of the Weekly News Round-up!
Do you have any events, research, or scientific publications on the Western Indian Ocean that you would like to be included in the round-up? Write to [email protected]!
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Sharing experiences from the front lines of community-led conservation
A new series of interactive online conversations will explore the successes and challenges of community-led fisheries management and conservation. The organizers are looking for participants and contributors to the series. Check out how you can participate!

Ocean Insight: a new podcast on marine conservation and science for sustainable development
A new podcast series compiles unique perspectives from those on the frontlines of research, policy and action. The speakers will be carry out conversations from Mauritania to Tanzania to South Africa. Tune in to accelerate the science-policy uptake for the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean!

Did you read it?: Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook
The Marine Protected Areas Outlook, from the NC and WIOMSA, documents progress made by countries in the region towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 14.5 and provides lessons and opportunities to increase momentum for achieving post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework targets.

Mangroves mitigate effects of climate change; provide economic benefits
Mangroves play many important roles in supporting coasts and coastal communities and economies around the world, among them providing coastal protection, filtering water, and supporting the livelihoods of people who live in and around them. Yet despite their importance, more than a quarter of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost over the past several decades to aquaculture and real estate development, local harvesting, and other pressures.

Coral reef scientists raise alarm as climate change decimated ocean ecosystems vital to fish and humans
The Chagos Archipelago is one of the most remote, seemingly idyllic places on Earth. Coconut-covered sandy beaches with incredible bird life rim tropical islands in the Indian Ocean, hundreds of miles from any continent. Just below the waves, coral reefs stretch for miles along an underwater mountain chain. It’s a paradise. At least it was before the heat wave.

Mangrove genome decoded by researchers of ILS, SRM
In a significant research outcome, the SRM Institute of Science and Technology has sequenced the genome of one of the highly salt tolerant mangrove species, Avicennia marina. This is the first report of a reference grade genome assembly for any mangrove species reported so far.
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