In executing its projects, the Nairobi Convention is collaborating with governments and other stakeholders to implement the following demonstration projects in Madagascar:
Nairobi Convention Engagement in Madagascar
Demonstration Projects
WIOSAP Demonstration Projects
Sustainable management of mangroves forest in Boeny region, Mahajanga
The mangrove forest in Boeny, Madagascar, is in danger of disappearing due to pollution and competing uses of the forest and its surrounding areas by developers, local communities, tourism operators, and more. A management plan that incorporates the views and needs of all stakeholders is needed to ensure sustainable use of the forest. This project aims to promote inclusive, sustainable management of the mangrove forest that includes training, awareness-raising, and adoption of best governance practices. Outcomes would include the establishment of: a) a system of governance for the mangrove forest; b) alternative livelihoods for local communities; and c) an updated database and monitoring and evaluation system. Ultimately, these outcomes will serve to preserve the long-term health and ecological integrity of Boeny’s mangroves, an approach that could be replicated in other areas of the country.
Proponents: CNRO, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), University of Mahajanga and Partners
Strengthening regulatory framework and national capacity for monitoring effluent discharges, water, and sediments quality in coastal and marine areas of Madagascar
The Bombetoka Estuary is highly vulnerable to pollution from Mahajanga city’s tourism, agricultural, industrial, and other sectors. Tests of the water by the National Centre for Environmental Research (CNRE) indicate the presence of toxic heavy metals and hydrocarbons that pose serious risks to both human and marine life. The project will demonstrate how water quality and sediments can be improved by developing a regulatory framework and monitoring system—a framework which will provide the basis for the development of national wastewater standards. Both institutional and human capacity to monitor pollution will thereby be strengthened—and the risks to human and marine health reduced.
Proponents: CNRE, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), and partners.
Sustainable management of E-Flows for west coast rivers of Madagascar: a case of Betsiboka River
Deforestation around the Betsiboka River catchment has had an alarming environmental impact on the surrounding areas, resulting in poor water quality; reduced yields for fisheries; soil erosion; and alteration of river beds, flow, and discharge. Other rivers in western Madagascar suffer from similar threats. A report by the National Authority for Water and Sanitation highlighted the need to improve management of exploitation of water resources.
This project therefore aims to create a sustainable management system for rivers and basins in western Madagascar by conducting a pilot environmental flow assessment (EFA)–i.e. a determination of the quantity, quality, and timing of river flows needed to sustain ecosystems and their services–in the Betsiboka River, which will then be replicated in other rivers. Guidelines for EFAs will be created and the capacity to apply EFAs increased, which in the long-term could result in safer, healthier, and sustainable water resources in the river catchment area.
Proponents: MEEF, Ministries of water; sanitation and hygiene; agriculture, fisheries and fishery resources; and meteorology; and partners.
For more on the WIOSAP demonstration projects, click here.
SAPPHIRE Demonstration Projects
Fishery of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) is a purely traditional fishing practice on which many fishing communities are completely dependent. However, this mud crab fishery practice is not sustainable. The mangrove swamps are degrading alarmingly, while the international consumption demand for mud crab has increased. There has also been overfishing of undersized mud crabs, and pressure on the surrounding mangrove ecosystem due to increased human population without alternative livelihood sources. This project aims to introduce the Arustic crab housing system to reduce pressure caused by intensified fishing, and establish a co-management approach of the small-scale fishery and supporting ecosystems.

Sarangib /Pixabay
National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analyses
In executing the SAPPHIRE project, the Nairobi Convention has initiated the updating of the Madagascar’ MEDA and the Transboundary Diagnosis Analyses (TDAs), developed under the ASCLME project. The MEDAs will provide each country with an updated assessment of their ecosystems within their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and integrate the findings in to their National Action Plans (NAP) for the sustainable management of marine resources.
Moreover, the scope of the MEDAs will be expanded to include assessments of land-based sources of pollution—i.e. issues addressed by SAPPHIRE’s sister project, WIOSAP –meaning that countries will have their first-ever “Ridge to Reef” assessment of their marine ecosystems. The findings will be fed into an expanded regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and prioritize areas of concern that can be addressed through a merged Strategic Action Programme (SAP).
The process of updating Madagascar’s MEDA is ongoing, with the first draft in review.
Nairobi Convention - SWIOFC Partnership Project - Demonstration Project
Protection and management of marine and coastal ecosystems to promote and support the sustainable blue growth of coastal communities in the Boeny and Sofia regions, Madagascar
This project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
It aims to support the development of management plans that will enable the conservation of selected critical coastal habitats particularly, fisheries. Generally, it will work towards building resilience of livelihoods that depend on the marine and coastal ecosystem in Bombetoka, Mahajamba, Sahamalaza baya, as well as in the and the village of Beloy in Madagascar.
This project will also restore degraded coastal habitats by first carrying out a needs assessment and developing a selection criteria for local pilot restoration sites, followed by developing restoration, partnerships, and monitoring plans
Madagascar's Chapter in the Marine Protected Areas Outlook
The world, including Madagascar, has committed to protecting at least 10% of its marine and coastal areas by 2020 under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.5.
Under the WIOSAP project, the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA have released the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook, the first-ever publication to examine the progress, challenges, and opportunities faced by states in the WIO, including Madagascar, as they strive to achieve SDG 14.5.
Click here for Madagascar’ chapter and here for a dashboard outlining Madagascar’ progress towards achieving SDG 14.5.