Welcome, Nairobi Convention Member States, partners, and friends, to this issue of the Weekly News Round-up!
Do you have any events, research, or scientific publications on the Western Indian Ocean that you would like to be included in the round-up? Write to [email protected]!

Global status of plastic presence in marine vertebrates
Ocean plastics pose risks to large marine animals like whales, dolphins, turtles, and fishes, who often ingest the material. The plastics’ entry into the food web means that such ingestion could ultimately affect humans. This study examines what kind of plastics are ingested by which marine animals and where.

A scientific basis for redesigning the next set of biodiversity goals: key takeaways
Nations are now negotiating the next set of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s global goals, due for adoption in 2021. In this article, scientists from the Western Indian Ocean join others to outline key recommendations from the Earth Commission workshop on what to consider during negotiations.

Webinar: Partnerships for Ocean Conservation and Climate Action in Seychelles
SeyCCAT, in the Seychelles, is a conservation trust fund designed to facilitate the innovative debt-for-nature swap in the country. This webinar will feature discussions on how partnerships are critical to mobilizing and investing resources in the blue economy.

Emerging Digital Tools for Marine and Freshwater Conservation
Aquatic research is more challenging than research done on land due to logistical difficulties and the low visibility and detectability in water. This study examines promising avenues to deal with these challenges like culturomics and iEcology, two emerging research areas based on the analysis of online data resources.

Job Opportunity: Ocean Food Climate Expert
UNEP is looking for a consultant in its Global Programme of Action for the Protection of Marine Environment from Land Based Activities. The consultant will be responsible for preparing a UNEP narrative on the nexus between ocean, climate, and food. For more details and how to apply (deadline is 16 November, click on the link below.

Addressing Marine Plastics: a Roadmap to a Circular Economy
A new UNEP/Global Environment Facility report provides an action-oriented strategy to address marine plastics by identifying a core set of priority solutions to be implemented by targeted stakeholders from the whole plastics value chain. Join the webinar launching the report on 18 November by clicking below.

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