Western Indian Ocean Governments Seek to Reduce Stress on Marine and Coastal Areas from Land-Based Pollution
The Nairobi Convention has contributed a piece to IW:Learn on Member States’ project proposals to address land-based sources of pollution to the Western Indian Ocean and coasts. Country project proposals cover issues such as mangrove, seagrass, and seabird habitat rehabilitation; water quality assessments; wastewater management; environmental impact assessments on rivers, and more! Click to read details about how Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, and South Africa plan on reducing stress on their marine and coastal ecosystems.

Additionally, the Nairobi Convention is currently receiving project concepts from other Member States. Tanzania’s National Implementation Committee (NIC) met the week of 1 April to review concepts, while Mozambique’s NIC is meeting this week (26 April). After Mozambique and Tanzania submit their concepts, WIOSAP’s Project Implementation Unit (PMU) will then review the proposals before submitting them to regional experts. Concepts recommended by these experts will be submitted to the Project Steering Committee. Stay tuned for more details!
The Nairobi Convention thanks IW:Learn for the opportunity to be featured. Click here to read other IW:Learn stories.
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