SAPPHIRE project

The Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms

Entire regions of the world’s oceans, otherwise known as Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), are under threat from overfishing, pollution, invasive species, climate change and other human activities. Because LMEs are either shared by multiple countries or beyond any one country’s national jurisdiction fighting back against their degradation requires strong ocean governance.

The Nairobi Convention (NC), whose ten member states have come together to form a partnership to combat ocean degradation and strengthen the protection and sustainable management of the WIO region  is a natural platform through which cross-country governance issues can be addressed.

The NC’s SAPPHIRE project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, promotes policy and institutional reform to help improve the management of the Western Indian Ocean LME. It will build capacity among governments, communities, partners, intergovernmental organizations and the private sector in sustainable resource management and ocean governance.

Project Overview

About the project

Project Components

Components of SAPPHIRE project


About the project progress

Reports & Publications

Reports, publications related to SAPPHIRE

Promotional Materials

News articles, fact sheets, etc.

Other Projects

Supporting Projects

SAPPHIRE Project Summary

  • Project Status: Active
  • Implementing Agency: UNDP
  • Executing Agency: Nairobi Convention Secretariat
  • Project Period: 2017 – 2023
  • Total Resource Required: USD 326,565,994
  • Total Co-Financing:  USD 317,799,494
  • GEF:  USD 8,766,500
  • Governments: USD 311,040,044
  • In-kind:  USD 6,759,450
  • Country / Region implemented: Comoros, France, Kenya, Mauritius, Madagascar, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of South Africa

The project is implemented by UNDP and executed by UNEP-Nairobi Convention.

GEF, wiosap