
The function of the ordinary meetings of the Contracting Parties is to keep under review the implementation of this Convention and its protocols and, in particular:

  • To consider information submitted by the Contracting Parties under article 23;
  • To adopt, review and amend annexes to this Convention and to its related protocols, in accordance with the provisions of article 20;
  • To make recommendations regarding the adoption of any additional protocols or amendments to this Convention or its protocols in accordance with the provisions of articles 18 and 19;
  • To establish working groups as required to consider any matters concerning this Convention and its protocols;
  • To assess periodically the state of the environment in the Convention area;
  • To consider cooperative activities to be undertaken within the framework of this Convention and its protocols, including their financial and institutional implications, and to adopt decisions relating thereto;
  • To consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purposes of this Convention and its protocols.

The Organization shall convene the first ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties within nine months of the date on which the Convention enters into force in accordance with article 29.

Extraordinary meetings shall be convened at the request of any Contracting Party or upon the request of the Organization, provided that such requests are supported by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties. It shall be the function of the extraordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to consider only those items proposed in the request for the holding of the extraordinary meeting.

biodiversity protocol, nairobi convention protocols, protocol negotiations
Delegates at the First Negotiation Meeting for the Nairobi Convention Protocol on biodiversity
cop 11, tanzania
Dr. Ashatu Kijaji, heading the Tanzania Delegation at COP 11 to the Nairobi Convention. Tanzania is the sitting Chair of the Nairobi Convention Bureau.

Bureau of the Nairobi Convention

At the commencement of the first sitting of each ordinary meeting, a President, a Vice-President and a Rapporteur are elected from among the representatives of the Contracting Parties to constitute a Bureau.

The Bureau assists in the general conduct of the business of the meeting and serves in that capacity at any intervening extraordinary meeting or conference.

The Bureau also serves to:

  • Act on behalf of all Contracting Parties between ordinary meetings.
  • Review and assess progress in implementing the Nairobi Convention and its Action Plans
  • Provide direction on matters related to the Convention’s implementation and adjust programmes and budgets as necessary within decisions made by the Contracting Parties.
  • Encourage active participation by Eastern African countries and urge them to fulfill their financial and other commitments.
  • Oversee preparations for future ordinary or extraordinary meetings, conferences of plenipotentiaries, and intergovernmental meetings.
  • Advise meetings on programmatic, financial, and institutional matters relating to the Convention and its Action Plan.
  • Carry out any additional responsibilities assigned by the Contracting Parties.

Members of the Bureau

Currently, the Members of the Bureau as elected on August 22 2024, by the Heads of Delegation to the Eleventh Conference of Parties (COP 11) to the Nairobi Convention are:

  1. Chair of the Bureau –  United Republic of Tanzania 🇹🇿
  2. Vice Chair (Work Programme) Mauritius 🇲🇺
  3. Vice Chair (Resource Mobilization)  South Africa 🇿🇦
  4. Vice Chair (Coordination) Somalia 🇸🇴
  5. Rapporteur Madagascar 🇲🇬 

The members of the Bureau are elected for a two-year term and up to two of them may be re-elected for one additional term.