Partners in Protection

Conversations with Experts in Ocean Management

The Nairobi Convention Secretariat is sitting down with experts in ocean protection and management – i.e. our “partners in protection” – to gain insights, lessons learned, and best practices from across the Western Indian Ocean region. Below, find conversations on a range of issues and opportunities in the Western Indian Ocean – from Blue Economy initiatives to marine protected areas to sustainable ports development and more.



Do you have a topic that you’d like discussed? Would you like to be interviewed? Contact [email protected]!

Duncan Moore/UNEP

Partners in Protection - Series

With Experts in the Marine Management and Conservation Field

Marine Plastics: Progress and Possibilities in the WIO Region

A Conversation with Peter Manyara, IUCN According to UNEP, thousands of pieces of marine plastics are estimated to be afloat on every square mile of the ocean. As an upcoming Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA report, Marine Plastic Litter in the Western Indian Ocean Region: A Synthesis Report states, the Western Indian Ocean is well-known for…

The Importance of Sustainable Ports

A Q&A with Steven Weerts 90% of global trade is carried across our seas and a great number of goods we use in our everyday lives arrive via ports. Nevertheless, despite the essential role they play in the global economy, un sustainable ports can have dramatic impacts on coastal ecosystems and goods and services we…

Integrating Research into Marine Conservation – The Seychelles

A Q&A with Dr. Jude Bijoux- Marine Conservation, Fisheries and Climate Change Adaptation Consultant The fisheries sector in the Seychelles archipelago is well developed with artisanal fisheries, semi-industrial fisheries and industrial fisheries providing food security and employment opportunities for the community. According to the World Bank, the sector is the second largest in the country…

Celebrating Marine Protected Areas in South Africa: Lessons Learned and What’s Next

A Conversation with Judy Mann, Conservation Strategist at the South African Association for Marine Biological Research On 1 August 2021, South Africans came together to celebrate their Marine Protected Areas, or MPAs, Day. MPAs can be defined as an area of ocean or coastline that has been specially-designated for protection for the benefit of nature…

Blazing a Way Forward on Zanzibar’s Blue Economy

A Conversation with Aboud Jumbe, Principal Secretary of Zanzibar’s Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries [The conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.]  The Blue Economy, according to the World Bank, is the sustainable use of resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health. In Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous island state off…