Working Objective

The proposed Strategy has four closely linked targets:

  1. A broad-based consensus Regional Ocean Governance Strategy document approved by the Nairobi Convention COP following review by the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and the AU (through the African Ministers Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)) and including the inputs of the key stakeholder communities of the Nairobi Convention
  2. A Provisional Strategy Implementation Plan  endorsed by the COP and priority financing modalities proposed
  3. Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Regional Ocean Governance (ROG) Platforms and Working Groups established around selected ocean governance clusters and resourced to support dialogue, cooperation, and integration within and among sectors and themes and to facilitate stakeholder (including private sector) engagement
  4. A Mechanism established and resourced to implement and further develop the Strategy and review and update it on a regular basis


The geographical scope of the Strategy is the jurisdictional areas of the parties to the Nairobi Convention and the adjacent large marine ecosystems (LMEs). The technical scope of the work will include all aspects of the ocean and coastal environment, the blue economy, and the related institutions, productive activities, risks, and opportunities. The scope is ‘open-ended’, but the activities are likely to focus on a limited number of key challenges, opportunities, and sectors while creating the means for subsequent development in other areas.