Nairobi Convention at the 12th WIOMSA Symposium

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Scientific Symposium is the largest open scientific conference focused on the marine and coastal environment in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). It is a unique, regionwide, and global platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, capacity development, strategic action, and cooperation. The 12th edition of the WIOMSA Scientific Symposium…

wio symphony

Join the Symphony!

Launch of the WIO Symphony Tool The WIO region’s ocean assets are of high value but are under immense pressure from unsustainable exploitation.  Better marine spatial planning (MSP) is therefore dire, in order to meet local and global demands on the limited ocean resources and secure the assets for continued economic and social benefits for…

wiomsa 12th symposium

12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium

The theme of this year’s symposium is “A New Decade of Western Indian Ocean Science”, and is organized by WIOMSA,  the Nairobi Convention, and the Sustainable Seas Trust t. The theme draws inspiration from the current global and regional goals including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development,…