gender inclusivity, women, governance ,ocean governance

Women in Marine Conservation

Shore to Policy- Women’s Role in Marine Conservation and Governance in the Western Indian Ocean Region The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) is a biodiversity-rich region and an economic lifeline, supporting millions through livelihoods, food security, and vital ecosystems. But climate change, overfishing, and pollution threaten its future. Strong ocean governance is key to sustainable management.…

nocamo, marine spatial planning, blue economy, northern mozambique channel

Workshop Paves Way for Enhanced Marine Spatial Planning in the Northern Mozambique Channel

The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, encompassing the Northern Mozambique Channel- NMC, is rich in marine biodiversity and crucial to the livelihoods of about 10 million people. However, the region faces challenges from illegal fishing, offshore oil and gas exploration, and environmental degradation. The African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the African Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS)…

Northern Mozambique Channel (NOCAMO) Project steering committee (PSC), NOCAMO psc, project steering committee

Northern Mozambique Channel (NOCAMO) Project Steering Committee Meeting

The first project steering committee (PSC) meeting for the Integrated Management of the Marine and Coastal Resources of the Northern Mozambique Channel (NOCAMO) Project was convened on December 6, 2023. The PSC was convened to review and approve the project’s progress and expenditure. Additionally, it sought to review and approve the project’s annual work plan…

madagascar, nocamo, nairobi convention

The Northern Mozambique Channel (NoCaMo) Project Holds Second Partners’ Meeting

The Northern Mozambique Channel is a region of remarkable biodiversity, endowed with vital habitats and serving as a sanctuary for marine and migratory species. However, the tranquility of this natural haven is under threat from urban development, oil and gas extraction, population growth, land-based pollution, and the impacts of climate change. To safeguard valuable resources…

Partners’ Meeting – NoCaMo Project

Partners’ Meeting – Integrated Management of the Marine and Coastal Resources of the Northern Mozambique Channel (NoCaMo) Project The NoCaMo project, funded by the Fonds Français pour L’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), aims to ensure that the high biodiversity value of the Northern Mozambique Channel’s (NMC) coral reefs, seagrass, and mangrove ecosystems are maintained by 2025. Four…