Conservation of Critical Coastal and Marine Habitats in Boeny and Sofia Regions in Madagascar

Conservation of Critical Coastal and Marine Habitats in Boeny and Sofia Regions in Madagascar

In September 2023, an intrepid team of environmental stewards embarked on a transformative odyssey along the coasts of Boeny and Sofia regions in Madagascar. They sought to assess and engage with local communities on mangrove conservation, restoration and explore blue carbon market initiatives for the sustainability of coastal marine biodiversity in the country. The team…

information management strategy, western indian ocean

The Development of a WIO Information Management Strategy

Multi-stakeholder Working Group constituted to develop an Information Management Strategy for the Western Indian Ocean In November 2021 at the 10th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention, Contracting Parties made a commitment to develop an Information Management Strategy (IMS) for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, under Decision CP.10/5. The Nairobi Convention is implementing…