regional ocean governance strategy, ocean governance for the western Indian ocean, case study, ocean governance

A Case Study: Creating a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy for the Western Indian Ocean

Creating a regional strategy involves the active participation of various stakeholders, ranging from academic and research institutions to policymakers, businesses reliant on ocean resources, donors, and community members. This has been the case for the development of the Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (ROGS) for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The development of the strategy was…

Regional Ocean Governance & Information Management Strategy (IMS/ROGS) Write-shop, Zanzibar

Regional Ocean Governance & Information Management Strategy (IMS/ROGS) Write-shop, Zanzibar The United Nations Environment Programme – Nairobi Convention Secretariat in collaboration with the GIZ-funded Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI) welcomes you to participate in the collaborative leadership sessions, technical dialogues, and write-shop for the drafting of the two regional strategies on ocean governance and…


Co-Development of the Regional Ocean Governance and Information Management Strategies for the WIO

2022 Progress and 2023 Plans Inspired by, and contributing to the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) Cairo Declaration of 2015, Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention adopted a Decision at their 10th Conference of Parties (COP) in November 2021 to develop a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (ROGS) and Information Management Strategy (IMS) for the Western Indian Ocean…

diverse task force convened to co-develop wio ocean governance strategy, ROGS, ocean governance, rogs special session, 12th wiomsa scientific symposium

Diverse Task Force Convened to Co-Develop WIO Ocean Governance Strategy

Inspired by, and contributing to the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) Cairo Declaration of 2015, Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention adopted  a Decision to develop a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (ROGS) for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) at their 10th Conference of Parties (COP) in November 2021. The Nairobi Convention Secretariat is actively supporting…

Mini Symposium: The Contribution of Marine Science in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Western Indian Ocean to the Development of a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy

Mini Symposium: The Contribution of Marine Science in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Western Indian Ocean to the Development of a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy The Nairobi Convention, through the support of SAPPHIRE and the partnership with GIZ through the WIO Governance Initiative, is currently facilitating the development of a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy.…