We would like to inform you that Ms. Sinikinesh Beyene Jimma, who joined UNEP in 2018 as Senior Programme Management Officer, is now the new Portfolio Manager/Chief GEF-International Waters Unit, within the Marine and Freshwater Branch of UNEP’s Ecosystems Division, Nairobi. We extend our sincere thanks to Sinikinesh for her contribution in policy and strategy formulation, programme design and in the coordination of the SAPPHIRE project. Consequently, her responsibilities as the SAPPHIRE project coordinator have been transferred, in the interim, to Timothy Andrew, Policy and Governance Officer as we prepare for a formal recruitment process. Tim has played a key role in harmonising and providing synergy in the implementation of all Nairobi Convention projects and has a good understanding of the SAPPHIRE project. We therefore expect very little change in the project execution tempo.
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