At their Eleventh Conference of Parties (COP 11) to the Nairobi Convention held in Madagascar in August 2024, the Contracting Parties approved a 10-year Integrated Programme, a Programme of Work (2025-2028), and several key policy decisions. These efforts aim to address the triple planetary crises of pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss. The newly adopted Programmes and Decisions are built on years of investment and align with global commitments like Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement, and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
In October 2024, the government of the United Republic of Tanzania, as Chair of the Bureau, hosted meetings in Zanzibar to launch the implementation of the Programme of Work and COP 11 Decisions. Partners were invited to explore areas of collaboration, and subsequent meetings are planned in January 2025, in Tanzania to validate key strategic documents and monitor project progress.
The Integrated Programme emphasizes regional coordination on ocean governance, pollution management, ecosystem protection, and climate resilience, employing tools like ocean accounting and circular economy approaches. This coordination is key for sustainable governance and development, ensuring the wise use of the region’s natural resources.
To advance these goals, the Nairobi Convention Secretariat organized meetings to validate action plans, approve workplans, and strategize on funding and implementation for the 2025-2028 Programme of Work, between 27-31 January 2025.
The schedule included:
(Working, Information documents and Presentations are available for download below.)