Other Resources

The CHM provides a comprehensive reference point for publications by Nairobi Convention, its partners and related organizations.

Flagship documents published by the Nairobi Convention have been used while gathering the information presented here and include:

UNEP-Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA (2015). The Regional State of the Coast Report: Western Indian Ocean. UNEP and WIOMSA, Nairobi, Kenya, 546 pp.

United Nations Environment Programme – Nairobi Convention 2015. Status of Birds in the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Nairobi Convention Area: Regional Synthesis Report

United Nations Environment Programme – Nairobi Convention 2016. Climate Strategy for the Nairobi Convention

ASCLME 2012. National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis. Comoros. Contribution to the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (supported by UNDP with GEF grant financing)

ASCLME 2012. Comoros National Level Policy and Governance Assessment for Marine and Coastal Resources. Contribution to the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (supported by UNDP with GEF grant financing)

United Nations Environment Programme and Secretariat of Nairobi Convention (2009). The Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-based Sources and Activities. Nairobi, Kenya, 140 pp.

United Nations Environment Programme – Nairobi Convention Secretariat, 2019. Marine Protected Areas Outlook

Project document of the ‘Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms’ (SAPPHIRE)

Project document of the ‘Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities’ (WIO-SAP)


Other sources:

UNEP/EAF (2012e). UNEP/(DEPI)/EAF/CP.7/3-En.: Report Of The Executive Director. Presented At The Seventh Meeting Of Contracting Parties To The Convention For The Protection, Management, And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The Western Indian Ocean Region. Maputo, Mozambique 10-14 December 2012.

1] Communication on an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (2007) ‘Blue Book’.

[2] European Commission, 2008. Guidelines for an integrated approach to maritime policy: towards best practice in integrated maritime governance and stakeholder consultation. COM/2008/0395 final.

David Obura, Mishal Gudka, Fouad Abdou Rabi, Suraj Bacha Gian, Jude Bijoux, Sarah Freed, Jean Maharavo, Jelvas Mwaura, Sean Porter, Erwan Sola, Julien Wickel, Saleh Yahya and Said Ahamada (2017) Coral reef status report for the Western Indian Ocean. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN)/International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI). pp 144.


United Nations, 2019. Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. [Online] Available at: https://population.un.org/wpp/

Bourmaud CAF, Abouidane A, Boisser P, Leclerc L, Mirault E, et al. (2005) Coastal and marine biodiversity of La Re´union. Ind J Mar Sci 34: 98–103.

Letourner, Y. et al., 2004. An Updated Checklist of the Marine Fish Fauna of Réunion  Island, South-Western Indian Ocean. Cybium, 28(3), pp. 199 – 216.

Pauly, D. & Zeller, D., 2016. Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A Critical Appraisal of Catches and Ecosystem Impacts. s.l.:Island Press.

Conand, C. et al., 2018 . Marine Biodiversity of La Réunion  Island: Echinoderms. WIO Journal of Marine Science , 17(1), pp. 111 – 124.

Naim O, Tourrand C, Faure G, Bigot L, Cauvin B, Semple S, Montaggioni L (2013). Fringing reefs of Réunion  Island and eutrophication effects. Part 3 : Long-term monitoring of living corals. Atoll Research Bulletin n°598.