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Rare inspires change so people and nature thrive. Human behavior is both the cause and the solution to every major conservation challenge. Changing our behavior is hard, but it is the single most important thing we can do to ensure nature’s survival. Rare is a global leader in catalyzing behavior change to achieve enduring conservation results. For over 40 years, inspiring change has been woven into the fabric of our work. This is what we do. This is what makes us Rare.
Fish Forever is Rare’s community-led solution to revitalize coastal marine habitats, such as coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses, protect biodiversity, and secure the livelihoods of fisher households and their communities.  It uses an innovative approach to address coastal overfishing—by empowering communities through clear rights, strong governance, local leadership, and participatory management—that protects essential fish habitat and regulates fishing activities.
Rare’s vision is to transform the management of coastal fisheries by pairing a proven local solution, community-based management, with a unique delivery method based on behavioral insights and social marketing principles to engage and mobilize those communities. Our work leads to more abundant marine life and healthier coastal habitats. For the communities we serve, our work helps ensure a more sustainable food supply, improved social equity, and greater resilience to external impacts—especially those related to climate change.
Contact details: 
Global Headquarters
1310 N. Courthouse Road, Suite 110, Arlington, VA, 22201
Phone: 703.522.5070
Website: www.rare.org