National Environment Management Council (NEMC) - Tanzania

National Environment Management Council (NEMC) - Tanzania

Partner's Location: 

The National Environment Management Council (NEMC) came into being in 1983 when the Government of Tanzania enacted the National Environment Management Act No. 19 of 1983. NEMC was established with a broad mandate in response to the national need for such an institution to oversee environmental management issues and also implement the resolutions of the Stockholm conference (1972), which called upon all nations to establish and strengthen national environmental Councils to advise governments and the international community on environmental issues. The object and purpose for which NEMC is established is to undertake environmental enforcement, compliance, review and monitor environmental impact statements, research and awareness raising.

Directorates and Units

NEMC is headed by the Director General and it has 5 technical directorates namely:

  • Directorate of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (DECE)
  • Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA)
  • Directorate of Environmental Research and Planning (DEPR)
  • Directorate of Environmental Information, Communication and Outreach (DEICO)
  • Directorate of Finance and Administration (DFA).


The Council is supported by 4 Units:-

Legal Services

Internal Audit

Corporate Planning

Procurement Management


Also NEMC has five (5) operating zone offices:-

Northern Zone comprising of Arusha, Manyara and Kilimanjaro regions with office in Arusha,

Lake Zone comprising of Mwanza, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mara regions with office in Mwanza

Southern Highlands zone comprising of Mbeya, Rukwa, Songwe, Katavi and Iringa regions with office in Mbeya

Southern zone comprising of Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma regions with office in Mtwara

Eastern zone comprising of Dar es salaam, Morogoro, Tanga and Pwani regions with office in Dar Es Salaam

Contact details: 
The National Environment Management Council ,
Regent Estate Plot No. 29/30,
P.O. Box 63154 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tel: +255 22 2774852/4889 mob. 0713608930
Fax: +255 22 2774901.