Policy and Governance Assessment of Coastal and Marine Resources Sectors Within the Framework of Large Marine Ecosystems for ASCLME In Tanzania

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This report describes the Policy and Governance Assessment done for the Coastal and Marine Resources sectors within the framework of Large Marine Ecosystems for the Agulhas and Somali Current in Tanzania. This report is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces Tanzania with its geographical settings, administrative set up and the existing governance system for managing the coastal and marine resources and environment. It also present the methodology used for this assessment. The second Chapter is on the socio economic activities carried out in the coastal and marine areas of Tanzania while the third Chapter concentrates on the policies, legal and institutional frameworks existing in Tanzania. It describes more than 17 pieces of policies and 22 Legislations and more than 30 institutions structures relevant to coastal and marine resources in the country. Chapter four analyses the gaps of the policies, legislations and the described institutional structures. It also gives the future perspective trends. Chapter five analyses the process for ratification and implementation of the International Conventions in Tanzania while Chapter Six deals with the conclusions and Chapter seven recommends on the way forward. The last sections give references used for this assessment and the appendices attached to this report.

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