The Eighth Conference of the Parties to the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean (Nairobi Convention): Decisions for COP8

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The Eighth Conference of Parties (COP8) for the Nairobi Convention was held from 17-24 June 2015, in Victoria, Seychelles, under the theme “Conserving the Marine and Coastal Environment for the Western Indian Ocean for the next 30 Years”.
The COP8 coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Convention that was signed on 21 June 1985 in Seychelles. It was an opportunity for each Contracting Party to reflect and showcase its achievements in the conservation of the marine and coastal environment in the last 30 years, and to discuss future opportunities for oceans governance and sustainable management of ocean resources in the Western Indian Ocean Region.
The COP8 was preceded by three workshops:
  • An “Ocean Governance and Blue Economy Workshop” on 17-18 June 2015;
  • A “Partnerships Meeting” on 19 June 2015; and
  • A “Science to Policy Meeting” on 20 June 2015
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