National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis (MEDA) - Kenya

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The Kenya National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis (MEDA) was prepared by coastal and marine experts in Kenya. The MEDA presents essential data and information relating to the dynamic biophysical and socio-economic processes in Kenya that define the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME). It also identifies areas of concern that will feed into the Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDA) and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Agulhas and Somali Current LME. In the process of preparing MEDA for Kenya, an effort was made to collect and analyze the most current data and information on the various coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. This was with a view of presenting the most up to-date information on the trends in the exploitation, development and protection of the coastal and marine environment in Kenya.

The report also includes information on key issues of concern and challenges for sustainable coastal development. The key gaps in data and information that need to be given special consideration in future research investigations, are also discussed. While the information presented in this report was intended to feed into the process for the preparation of the regional TDA and SAP for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems, the findings of the report are also useful in the overall management and conservation of coastal-marine environment in Kenya. As such, the report will aid policy makers, decision–makers, scientists, students as well as community members.

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