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Kenya Forest Service is a corporate body established under the Forest Conservation and Management Act no 34 of 2016 (henceforth referred to as the Act).  The Act which was operationalized on 31st March 2017, gave the Service's mandate as "to provide for the development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational utilization of all forest resources for the socioeconomic development of the country and for connected purposes".
The functions of the Service are;- 
a) Conserve, protect and manage all public forests in accordance with the provisions of the Act; 
Current job title: 
Fishery Expert & Assistant Director Fisheries
Current job title: 
Senior Research Scientist, Zoology Department
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

My research interests  are on aquatic invertebrates and fish with focus on fisheries,  crustacean  and molluscan  genetics and taxonomy, ecology, conservation, climate change and aquaculture.

Current job title: 
East Africa Representative
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
Pioneering work in the establishment of Co-management Areas/Locally Managed Marine Areas/ Community Conserved Areas within the East African region
Current job title: 
Regional GIS Officer
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I am passionate about environmental resource mapping, specifically using emerging technologies such as GIS and Remote Sensing for modelling environmental issues, processing time series satellite data, and applying mobile-based tools to collect spatial data to promote sustainable community development and environmental conservation.

Type of implementing organization: 
Project(s) linked to: 

Kenya's coastal and marine resources provide numerous benefits to coastal communities, including food, employment, protection from climate change, and more. However, inclusive planning. development, and management of resources is imperative to ensure that these benefits can be enjoyed by future generations of Kenyans.

Country of implementation: 
Current job title: 
Areas of expertise: 

Worked as an intern at Kenya Marine fisheries and Research Institute Gazi substation for a period of three months.
Served as a treasurer for Nature club Karatina university for a period of two years.Voluntered at Mpala research center Rabies vaccination campaign for a period two years.Due to attending different trainings  and mentorship programs ,I have gained knowledge concerning environmental cases and conservation practices.

Current job title: 
Regional Programme Officer
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Involved in the design and implementation of holistic projects with specific interests in ecosystem restoration, community engagement, and environmental and social safeguards in marine and coastal environments.