Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (the DEAT) – South Africa
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (the DEAT) – South Africa
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The Department of Environmental Affairs is mandated to give effect to the right of citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing, and to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations. To this end, the department provides leadership in environmental management, conservation and protection towards sustainability for the benefit of South Africans and the global community.
The branches of the Department of Environmental Affairs are:
- Air Quality and Climate Change
- Biodiversity & Conservation
- Chemicals and Waste Management
- Environmental Advisory Services
- Environmental Programmes
- Legal Authorisations and Compliance Inspectorate
- Oceans and Coasts
- Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Oceans and Coasts
An integral part of the environment is undoubtedly the Oceans and Coasts. The marine and coastal environment are national assets which provide and sustain a wide range of economic, social and ecological services that are a foundation for the livelihoods of millions of South Africans. They not only underpin national and international transport, mining, coastal tourism and fisheries industries but also are vital components of the climate system as a carbon sink and global temperature controller.
Investigations have found that South Africa’s oceans economy has potential to contribute more than R20 billion to the gross domestic product (GDP) by 2019 and at least 1 million jobs by 2033. As the DEA, our role in this regard is particularly focused on marine protection services and ocean governance, which entails the protection of the ocean environment from all illegal activities and promotion of its multiple socio-economic benefits.
Our focus is on the management and conservation of our oceans and coastal environment. The purpose is to bring about harmony and integration of the various role players in the ocean space, but also safeguard against any possible compromise of the ocean environment through application of different legislation relevant to oceans and coastal management.
We also continue to strengthen research programmes for integrated oceans and coastal management. Through the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP), the department has maintained South Africa’s research presence in Antarctica and the Prince Edward Islands. The scientific data that is collected during voyages is critical to the understanding of amongst other things, the impacts of climate change and weather information associated with extreme events.
Purpose and functions
Oceans & Coasts (OC) deals with the promotion, management and strategic leadership on oceans and coastal conservation in South Africa.
The key focus areas in driving oceans and coastal environment conservation are:
The establishments of management frameworks and mechanisms for the ocean and coastal environment.
The strengthening of national science programmes for integrated oceans and coastal management.
The Development of and contribution to effective knowledge and information management for the sector.
The participation and support to international agreements and bodies supportive of SA environmental and sustainable development priorities.
Related projects / programmes categories
- Operation Phakisa - Oceans Economy
Operation Phakisa is a results-driven approach, involving setting clear plans and targets, on-going monitoring of progress and making these results public. The methodology consists of eight sequential steps. It focusses on bringing key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia as well as civil society organisations together to collaborate in:
detailed problem analysis;
priority setting;
intervention planning; and
- SA Agulhas II
S. A. Agulhas II is a South African icebreaking polar supply and research ship owned by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). She was built in 2012 by STX Finland in Rauma, Finland, to replace the aging S.A. Agulhas, which was retired from SANAP duty, but is fullfilling a training role with SAMSA since 2012. Unlike her predecessor, S. A. Agulhas II was designed from the beginning to carry out both scientific research and supply South African research stations in the Antarctic.
- Allocation process for boat-based whale watching and white shark cage diving operating permits
Boat-Based Whale and Dolphin Watching (BBWW) is the observing of whales and dolphins behaviour in their natural environment from sea-going vessels, while White Shark Cage Diving (WSCD) involves observing free swimming Great White Sharks from vessels and/or from within a protective cage that is submerged in water. Both BBWW and WSCD have grown from adhoc activities to regulated commercial operations contributing to coastal and marine tourism.Cape Canyon Science Expedition
A DEA team of scientists returned on the 28 March 2018 from a four-week long expedition to explore some undocumented areas of the seafloor off the West Coast. The seafloor has long been a mystery to humans, being as it is, covered by hundreds of metres (and sometimes kilometres) of water.
Contact details:
Cnr. Steve Biko (previously Beatrix Street) and Soutpansberg Road,
Environment House,
473 Steve Biko,
Pretoria, 0083
South Africa
+27 86 111 2468
DEA call centre e-mail