Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (the DEAT) – South Africa

Type of implementing organization: 
Project(s) linked to: 

Marine litter—and its effects on marine life, beaches, and fisheries —has become a pressing issue for South Africa. The proponents underscore that the country has grown increasingly concerned about beach litter originating from river systems. The project will demonstrate how a 'Source to Sea' approach in five river systems in KwaZulu-Natal, can reduce litter generation and recover litter with river basin-wide interventions.

Country of implementation: 
Partner's Location: 
The Department of Environmental Affairs is mandated to give effect to the right of citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing, and to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations. To this end, the department provides leadership in environmental management, conservation and protection towards sustainability for the benefit of South Africans and the global community. 
The branches of the Department of Environmental Affairs are:
  • Air Quality and Climate Change
  • Biodiversity & Conservation