Institut National de Recherché pour l’Agriculture, la Pêche et l’Environnement (INRAPE) - Comoros
Institut National de Recherché pour l’Agriculture, la Pêche et l’Environnement (INRAPE) - Comoros

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Created in 1995, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment (INRAPE) is a public institution of scientific and technical nature under the technical authority of the Ministry (s) of trusteeship. For the purposes of this law, the term Agriculture includes both Agriculture, Livestock, Forest and Water Its mission is to monitor the sanitary and phytosanitary state of national production against pests: territorial surveillance and pest control resorting to modern plant protection techniques.
INRAPE's main missions are: designing and conducting programs, research and agricultural, fisheries and environmental studies; promote and undertake all research and experimentation on plant, animal and forest products and their agro-food and agroindustrial processing, on the preservation and improvement of the natural resources concerned by these productions, as well as on farms and their environment socio-economic; maintain relations with research organizations in the field of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment; Promote the techniques and methods allowing an increase of the productivity of Agriculture, Fishing and the preservation of the Environment; to guarantee the quality of export and import products; design training and professional development programs for technical staff of management services; co-ordinate external assistance in the field of its attributions, participate in the evaluation of the technical execution of agricultural, fisheries and environmental projects; to execute the programs and projects entrusted to it.
To fulfill its mission, INRAPE has: administrative, management and orientation bodies: Board of Directors; Advisory Council of Orientation and Programming; Executive management. support services: Secretariat, Courier and Documentation Services; Administrative and Financial Service; technical services: Research, Expertise and Consulting Services; Training, Information and Extension Service; Laboratory of Veterinary Diagnosis and Aquaculture; Physiopathological and Entomological Laboratory; Regional Centers for Experimentation, Applied Research and Training; of programs and research project that he executes or supervises.
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