Enhancing stakeholder capacity on use of ICZM in Malindi –Sabaki Estuary Area, Kenya

Implementing organisation: 
Type of implementing organization: 
Project(s) linked to: 
Country of implementation: 
Duration of project: 
2 Years
Objectives of project: 
A. Overall objective: To enhance stakeholder capacity on use of ICZM as a tool for conservation of the coastal and marine environment through a demo ICZM Project.
B. Immediate objectives:
  1. To promote sustainable mangrove and fisheries management in Sabaki estuary. Activities under this objective are expected to lead to: rehabilitated mangrove areas; increased mangrove cover in sabaki estuary; use of legal fishing gear by estuary fishermen; improved governance of Sabaki estuary BMU; improved ecological integrity of Sabaki estuary
  2. To promote community empowerment and alternative livelihoods in Sabaki estuary. The expected outputs under this objective are: alternative livelihoods for local community promoted; increased income for the local community; enhanced capacity of locals in alternative livelihoods; and reduced pressure on Sabaki estuary natural resources
  3. To improve governance and management of Sabaki Estuary. The expected outputs under this objective are: improved awareness on importance of Sabaki estuary; Sabaki estuary mapped and delineated; capacity of Sabaki River Conservation and Development Organisation (SARICODO) in natural resources management enhanced. SARICODO is a community youth group involved in conservation of the estuary
  4. To improve solid waste management in Malindi town. The expected outputs under this objective are: waste collection areas zoned in Malindi town; reduction in illegal dumpsites in Malindi town; waste receptacles installed at strategic points in Malindi town; and improved awareness on good waste management practices by Malindi town residents 
Project Summary:
New infrastructure and developments have dramatically altered Kenya’s coast over the past decade, leading to improved local livelihoods. However, increased use of marine and coastal resources by various sectors has led to over-exploitation, erosion, pollution, and uncontrolled development. Implementing Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), a tool that brings all stakeholders together to develop, manage, and use the coastal zone, would ensure that future development in the Malindi-Sabaki Estuary Area is sustainable and protective of the environment. This project aims to enhance local authorities’ capacity to implement ICZM by promoting an integrated approach to resource management. Expected outcomes include improved mangrove and fisheries management; alternative livelihood options for the local community; and improved solid waste management, among others.