Anthony Sifuna Wawire

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Lecturer, Masinde Muliro University
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Dr. Sifuna is a holder of PhD in Biomedical Science and Technology from Maseno University, Kenya. He is a lecturer of Biochemistry at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; School of Medicine. My areas of research and consultancy include: -

1. Food Safety and quality assurance: Detection of pathogens in foods, water and the environment, training in food safety – HACCP, certification, fish processing and preservation.

2. Fish post-harvest technologies: Fish processing technologies (drying, salting and preservation); Value addition; storage and packaging technologies.

3. Quality monitoring procedures: both microbiological and chemical analysis of foods, water and environment.

Actual work experience includes: -

January 2014 to date: Expert review for the National Biosafety Authority (Kenya) To date i have undertaken 3 scientific risk assessments. March 2011: WIFIP Education & Development, Kisumu: Fish Processing Expert: Improvement of Rastrineobola argentea (omena) Processing and Marketing Enterprise on Lake Victoria SERVICE CONTRACT No 9ACP/KE-012/MESPT/3B/SER-04. Responsibilities:

1. Designing and installation of solar driers at three selected fish landing sites.

2. Develop value added omena products.

3. Designing omena packaging material

4. Develop training material and training programs on improved omena processing

5. Training of fishers in fish processing and preservation technologies – sundrying, salting, HACCP (food safety), certification, packaging, branding and storage.

November 1997 – Oct. 2012: Fisheries Officer


1. Inspecting and auditing of quality and safety management systems at fish processing plants, inspecting fish markets and fish landing ports (Lake Turkana and Lake Victoria).

2. Monitoring sanitary conditions of fish and fishery products and processing conditions in liaison with referral laboratories.

3. Offer technical assistance to artisanal fish processors.

4. Certification of fish and fisheries products for export.

Current research activities include: -

1. Molecular microbiology; pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance among the Gram- negative Enterobacteria (namely: Escherichia coli and Salmonella); biofilms. I am currently involved in investigating enteric pathogens i wastewater treatment sites, and foods. This research activities aim at providing additional information on situations in developing countries and rural settings. Additionally, offer an opportunity to test modern tools to help understand and offer solutions to control the spread of infectious disease in low resourced settings.

2. Food post-harvest technologies: arresting lipid oxidation and browning in fish products; developing of low cost fish processing and preservation

3. Food safety

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