Global Distribution of Seagrasses

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This dataset shows the global distribution of seagrasses, and is composed of two subsets of point and polygon occurrence data. The data were compiled by UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre in collaboration with many collaborators (e.g. Frederick Short of the University of New Hampshire), organisations (e.g. OSPAR), and projects (e.g. the European project Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats “Mediseh”), across the globe (full list available in accompanying metadata table within the dataset).

UNEP-WCMC, Short FT (2018). Global distribution of seagrasses (version 6.0). Sixth update to the data layer used in Green and Short (2003). Cambridge (UK): UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre. URL

Other cited reference(s):
Green EP, Short FT (2003). World atlas of seagrasses. Prepared by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Berkeley (California, USA): University of California. 332 pp. URL

Belluscio A, Panayiotidis P, Gristina M, Knittweis L, Pace ML, Telesca L, Criscoli A, Apostolaki ET, Gerakaris V, Fraschetti S, Spedicato MT, Lembo G, Salomidi M, Mifsud R, Fabi G, Badalamenti F, Garofalo G, Alagna A, Ardizzone GD, Martin CS, Valavanis V (2013). Task 1.1. Seagrass beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts. In: Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH), final project report (Eds. M Giannoulaki, A Belluscio, F Colloca, S Fraschetti, M Scardi, C Smith, P Panayotidis, V Valavanis, MT Spedicato). DG – MARE, specific contract SI2.600741. Heraklion (Greece): Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. 557 pp. URL

Telesca L, Belluscio A, Criscoli A, Ardizzone G, Apostolaki ET, Fraschetti S, Gristina M, Knittweis L, Martin CS, Pergent G, Alagna A, Badalamenti F, Garofalo G, Gerakaris V, Pace ML, Pergent-Martini C, Salomidi M, 2015. Seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) distribution and trajectories of change. Scientific Reports 5: 12505. doi: 10.1038/srep12505

OSPAR Commission. (2015) OSPAR Threatened and/or Declining Habitats 2015. URL Data URL

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