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The relationship between environment, society and economy in urban centres are of key importance in the WIO region. In particular, there is a need to better understand these interdependencies, and the associated constraints to achieving the objectives of the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Risk and Disaster Reduction Framework. This understanding should inform planning and decision-making in city environments.
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Component A: Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats. SDG14.2: Critical Habitats Outlook & SDG14.5: Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Outlook at the 2nd PSC for the WIOSAP Project.27 August 2018, Mombasa, Kenya

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This analysis responds to the COP 8 Decision, CP8/14: Strengthening the Operational Functioning of the Secretariat, and specifically to item 2, to prepare an analysis of the report on the strengthening the operational functioning of the secretariat, including, inter alia, the financial implications of the options contained in the report, proposals for secondment of staff by contracting parties and partners, proposals for utilizing the existing capacities of national institutions to advance t

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The United Nations Agenda 2030 further enshrines the central role of the ocean for sustainable development through Goal 14 (SDG14), to "conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources ", to lift millions of people out of poverty. The 2017 United Nations Oceans Conference provided a platform to focus countries' and other stakeholders' attention on commitments to achieving SDG14 at national and regional levels.

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Somali has the longest coastline in Africa (3,330km) and an EEZ of 1,165,500 Km2, there is potential to  sustainably increase employment, food security, nutrition and revenues from its fisheries but there is currently