Catchments to coast: protecting forests to give marine biodiversity a future by Joseph Maina during the 2nd Project Steering Committee for the WIOSAP Project, Nairobi Convention, 27 August 2018, Mombasa, Kenya
Component A: Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats. SDG14.2: Critical Habitats Outlook & SDG14.5: Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Outlook at the 2nd PSC for the WIOSAP Project.27 August 2018, Mombasa, Kenya
This analysis responds to the COP 8 Decision, CP8/14: Strengthening the Operational Functioning of the Secretariat, and specifically to item 2, to prepare an analysis of the report on the strengthening the operational functioning of the secretariat, including, inter alia, the financial implications of the options contained in the report, proposals for secondment of staff by contracting parties and partners, proposals for utilizing the existing capacities of national institutions to advance t
Mapping of Nairobi Convention’s Activities to the Sustainable Development Goals Target, focusing was on the 2018-2022 Work Programme, WIOSAP and SAPPHIRE Project Outputs and Outcomes
Women’s role in the fisheries sector
Nairobi Convention Ninth Conference of Parties: Technical Experts Meeting: Provisional Agenda