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The Western Indian Ocean contains 16% of the world’s coral reefs, and the region is now thought to host the second peak of coral reef biodiversity globally. Coral reef ecosystems underpin the economies of the countries in the region, particularly fisheries and tourism sectors, and provide livelihood opportunities and income for local communities.

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This study assesses the impacts of climate change on water resources over Mbarali River sub-catchment using high resolution climate simulations from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment Regional Climate Models (CORDEX_RCMs).

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The Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) area is under the jurisdiction of Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, France, Seychelles and the Comoros, covering an area of approximately 700,000 km2. It is among the world's richest regions for biodiversity. It serves as a biological reservoir for the entire Eastern African coast, in particular for coral reefs and associated ecosystems, and is an important breeding and foraging areas for flagship marine and migratory species.

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Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals for Oceans and Coasts in the Western Indian Ocean

Presentation at the 2nd Project Steering Committee for the WIOSAP Project, Nairobi Convention, 27 August 2018, Mombasa, Kenya By: Yvonne Waweru

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The key objectives of the regional oil and gas development capacity are:
1. To establish and strengthen capacity in legal and regulatory framework in the WIO Region including enhancing standards, guidelines and best practices of existing policy,legal and institutional frameworks within the countries.
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Catchments to coast: protecting forests to give marine biodiversity a future by Joseph Maina during the 2nd Project Steering Committee for the WIOSAP Project, Nairobi Convention, 27 August 2018, Mombasa, Kenya

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The relationship between environment, society and economy in urban centres are of key importance in the WIO region. In particular, there is a need to better understand these interdependencies, and the associated constraints to achieving the objectives of the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Risk and Disaster Reduction Framework. This understanding should inform planning and decision-making in city environments.