Warwick Sauer

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I have been involved in African fisheries for 33 years, first as a commercial fisherman, then as a Principal Oceanographer in a government institution in South Africa, for the last 23 years a member of Rhodes University, South Africa, and as Head of Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science between 2010 and 2020. I have experience in project procurement and in monitoring and evaluation, responsible for more than 90 projects in 201.

I have published  145 manuscripts in rated peer-reviewed international journals, edited two books and numerous book chapters; sat on numerous international panels, have supervised more than 60 post-graduate students, and led or participated in more than 40 consulting projects, covering almost all aspects of fisheries. I have prepared numerous complex project evaluations and reports. I have a google scholar h-factor of 40 with some 4500 citations.

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