Working Documents - The 10th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP10) - November 2021

Year Published: 
Geographical Information: 

The 10th Conference of Parties Meeting took place over the course of 3 days: 23 - 25 November 2021.

The Tenth Meeting of Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP10) was a platform that reflected on the progress made by Contracting Parties in protecting the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region since the last COP in 2018 and capitalized on opportunities to a) renew commitment for a multilateral process to take timely and effective action to protect, develop, and manage the WIO, and b) strengthen partnerships to boost recovery and resilience after the COVID-19 pandemic.

I) Draft Provisional Agenda

23 November 2021- Partners Meeting - Draft Partners Meeting Provisional Agenda [ ENG | FR ]

24 November 2021- National Focal Points Meeting - Draft National Focal Points Meeting Provisional Agenda  [ ENG | FR ]

25 November 2021- Heads of Delegation Meeting - Draft Heads of Delegation Meeting Provisional Agenda [ ENG | FR ]

II) Approved Work Programme 2022 - 2024 - [ ENG ] Proposed Work Programme 2022 -2024 [ FR ]

III) The Executive Director's Report - [ ENG | FR ]

IV) Adopted Decisions - [ ENG | FR ]

V) COP10 Final Report - [ ENG ]

VI) Information Documents

VII) Partner Presentations


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