Negotiations for the Amendment of the Nairobi Convention Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna in the Eastern African Region

Negotiators will meet at the first negotiations of the Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna in the Eastern African Region (also known as 'the Biodiversity Protocol') with the aim of amending it to to elaborate in detail on the dangers and threats to marine and coastal areas and biological diversity in the region, and the interconnectedness of the habitats, ecosystems and species. The amendment is also expected to acknowledge existing international and regional legal and policy instruments, some of which were developed after the protocol was adopted.. This will be pursuant to Decision CP.10/4 of the 10th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention on the review and amendment of the Protocol.
The Nairobi Convention in executing the ACP MEAs 3 Programme is organizing this meeting, which will be hosted by the Government of Madagascar.
The Second Biodiversity Protocol documents - September 2023