Nairobi Convention Secretariat

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Countries in the Western Indian Ocean are endowed with coastal and marine ecosystems rich in biodiversity and luxuriant resources that are important to the wellbeing of their people. However, these resources are under pressure from a variety of natural and man-made factors, including; resource overexploitation, pollution, unplanned coastal development and climate change. Marine litter is becoming a significant contributor to marine pollution in the World Oceans and Western Indian Ocean (WIO), is not exempt. Over 80% of marine pollution that constitute marine litter

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The objective of the meeting was to present and launch the background document on the State of Ocean Governance in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region and to discuss the utility of the background document within the framework of the respective Regional Economic Communities.

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This is the list of partcipants from the Advanced Leadership Workshop for senior leaders in Marine Policy and Ocean Governance. It happened between 13 October 2020 - 24 November 2020.

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WIO Regional Private Sector Engagement Strategy Stakeholders Consultation Webinar Report

30 October 2020