Western Indian Ocean

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An update to Nairobi Convention Partnerships Workshop on support from IOC to the WIOCC.

WIOCC vision

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The Nairobi Convention Work Programme and Role of Partners. A presentation by Nansen project on 19 June, 2015

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Agenda - Meeting of Focal Points to the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development for the Western Indian Ocean Region

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 Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings. Seychelles, June, 2015

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The Northern Mozambique Channel initiative; Update to the Nairobi Convention, COP8

Science to Policy Workshop, 19 June 2015

by David Obura

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A presentation by Dr. Kwame Koranteng on Making the best use of the Nansen Data Through The Nairobi Convention Platform. FAO/EAF-Nansen Project is as an emerging partner for the Nairobi Convention. The project Support fisheries policy formulation Support fisheries management Ecosystem assessments and monitoring Supporting oil and gas initiatives Capacity Buildingunderlies all activities

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The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region is recognised as a global biodiversity hotspot and is one of the least ecologically disturbed areas of the world. The high biodiversity in the WIO and its broad array of habitats, both in the coastal and marine environment, are however under increasing pressure from burgeoning coastal populations.

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The Nairobi Convention holds a Conference of Contracting Parties (COP) every two years to review the implementation of decisions of past COPs. The Eighth Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP8) was held on 22-24 June 2015 in Mahe, Seychelles.

At the Conference of Parties 15 decisions were adopted. 


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Presentation at the UNEP- European Commission Workshop on Regional Ocean Governance by the Head of the Nairobi Convention, Mr.Dixon Waruinge.

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Aim of this report is to:

  • Provide an objective and scientific basis for listing birds in the Protocol Concerning Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora in the East Africa Region
  • Provide information on the status of birds and the key habitats in the region
  • Use information on birds to extrapolate the status of the wider ecosystems in the WIO region