In August 2011, BirdLife International entered into a collaborative agreement with Nairobi Convention Secretariat on a project titled: Enhancing the Protection of Birds in the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Nairobi Convention. The collaborative project was focused on reviewing the bird listed in the Convention’s 'Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region.
The project seeks to advance ecosystems restoration on Ile aux Aigrettes Nature Reserve, a site of national and international biodiversity importance, and the surrounding sea. Recognising that terrestrial conservation and seabird colony re-establishment has benefits for both land and marine ecosystems, the project will conduct focused, seabird friendly, habitat restoration and seabird attraction.
Aim of this report is to:
- Provide an objective and scientific basis for listing birds in the Protocol Concerning Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora in the East Africa Region
- Provide information on the status of birds and the key habitats in the region
- Use information on birds to extrapolate the status of the wider ecosystems in the WIO region
Data and information for this report was compiled by Engagement Communautaire pour Developpement Durable (ECDD); Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation’s (BCSF) with support from BirdLife International project in the Comoros working in partnership with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Durrell).
Madagascar has expressed its concerns about the precious richness of the marine and coastal area by ratifying the ʺNairobi Conventionʺ in 2001. Madagascar has important marine and coastal biodiversity. It has important concentrations of threatened coastal and marine birds. The coast of Madagascar plays an important role in the life cycle of several migratory birds, and is the end destination for many migratory shorebirds. Many bird species are endemic and resident to the coastal area of Madagascar.