Department of Zoology – University of Nairobi
Organization/Institution/Project linked to:
FARI was established under the Fourth Conference of Parties (COP) of the Nairobi Convention Decision CP 4/ parts 3 and 4 which directed the Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention, in collaboration with other organizations, to facilitate the establishment of the network of academic and research institutions in the region. Further COP Decisions emphasized on the importance of FARI: Decision CP 7/17 of the seventh Conference of Parties (COP) to the Nairobi Convention which requested the secretariat to hold, and encourage partners to support, regular science to policy dialogues; The Eight Conference of Parties decision CP 8/12 also requested for the establishment of a dialogue platform to strengthen links between science, policy and action and mandated FARI to act as a technical and advisory body for the platform.
FARI provides a framework for
(i) Facilitating sharing of information between institutions and the Nairobi Convention and other regional processes, (ii) Offering scientific and technical advice on priorities for management, assessment and information dissemination to the regional initiatives,
Department of Zoology – University of Nairobi, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Faculty of Aquatic Science and Technology (FAST) – University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) - University of Dar es Salaam, Oceanographic Research Institute of South Africa (ORI), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)