Cost-benefits analysis

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The Swedish support to Africa through the UNEP Africa Marine and Coastal Programme was instrumental in a number of ways in catalysing national action at both the Nairobi Convention and Abidjan Convention countries.

The objectives of the Agreement were:

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In the past 10 years, there has been explosive growth of oil exploration activities in the Western Indian Ocean region. Reserves have been found along the eastern coast of Africa, and current efforts to harness hydrocarbon resources are ongoing. During the development and production phases, oil spills and other oil/gas-related emergencies are possible, thus requiring robust emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

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The presentation gave an overview of background to the technical workshop, including a summary of the objectives of the IOC Biodiversity Program. The presented workshop objectives were a) to review and validate the regional status report of sharks and rays in the Nairobi Convention region of the Western Indian Ocean, b) to develop a Regional Roadmap for advancing shark and ray conservation and management in the region, and c) to initiate networking by shark experts in the region. The workshop agenda (see Annex I) was also summarised

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The northern half of the Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) extends northwards from the narrowest part of the channel between Madagascar and Mozambique, at about 17°S (Fig. 4.1). The Aldabra group of islands lies just to the north, at about 9°S, but the precise northern limit is not clear and is operationally set to include Mafia Island in central Tanzania at about 7°S. It is bounded by northwest Madagascar, northern Mozambique, and southern Tanzania, with the Comoro archipelago at its heart.
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Environmental flows improve water management by ensuring a sustainable water supply meets the needs of people, agriculture, energy, industry and the environment within the limits of availability. The application of environmental flows supports the health of aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of people who depend on them. By providing a system for equitable allocation of water, based on available supply, the application of environmental flows can support development and poverty alleviation.

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Report of the Working Group 40 of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) on Guidelines or the monitoring and assessment of plastic litter and microplastics in the ocean

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World Oceans day was 8 June, 2019. This year, the Nairobi Convention celebrated by releasing information on major issues facing the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region and how the Contracting Parties are working to sustainably protect, manage, and use their marine and coastal resources. 

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Revved up climate action’ needed to counter ‘prolonged’ and deadly storms like Cyclone Idai: UN

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The principle purpose of this report is to provide recommendations, advice and practical guidance, for establishing programmes to monitor and assess the distribution and abundance of plastic litter, also referred to as plastic debris, in the ocean.

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Complex social-ecological interactions underpin many environmental problems. To help capture this complexity, we advance an interdisciplinary network modeling framework to identify important relationships between people and nature that can influence environmental conditions.