In the past 10 years, there has been explosive growth of oil exploration activities in the Western Indian Ocean region. Reserves have been found along the eastern coast of Africa, and current efforts to harness hydrocarbon resources are ongoing. During the development and production phases, oil spills and other oil/gas-related emergencies are possible, thus requiring robust emergency preparedness and response capabilities.
Trait-based approaches advance ecological and evolutionary research because traits provide a strong link to an organism’s function and fitness. Trait-based research might lead to a deeper understanding of the functions of, and services provided by, ecosystems, thereby improving management, which is vital in the current era of rapid environmental change.
The presentation gave an overview of background to the technical workshop, including a summary of the objectives of the IOC Biodiversity Program. The presented workshop objectives were a) to review and validate the regional status report of sharks and rays in the Nairobi Convention region of the Western Indian Ocean, b) to develop a Regional Roadmap for advancing shark and ray conservation and management in the region, and c) to initiate networking by shark experts in the region. The workshop agenda (see Annex I) was also summarised
Transshipment at sea, the offloading of catch from a fishing vessel to a refrigerated cargo vessel far from port, obscures the actual source of the catch and is a significant pathway for illegally caught fish to enter the legitimate seafood market. Occurring out of sight and over the horizon, the practice enables other nefarious activity, ranging from smuggling to human trafficking. Increasing the transparency of transshipment could improve fisheries management and reduce human rights abuses.
The meeting of the Forum of Academic and Research Institutions in the Western Indian Ocean (FARI) was organized by the Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention in collaboration with the Western Indian Marine Science Association (WIOMSA).
The purpose of these guidelines is to:
First Project Steering Committee meeting for Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based source and activities (WIOSAP) project - Provisional Agenda
Date: 16 - 17 November, 2017
Given the coastal and environmental opportunities and challenge facing the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), it makes sense to better integrate existing legal and management tools, and look for creative and novel solutions to existing problems (UNEP-Nairobi Convention & WIOMSA 2015). Economic activities that takes place in the ocean space, receives goods and services from ocean activities and ocean activity (to the ocean) has been recognised as a major contributor to national economies (Park et al. 2014).
Hydrological analysis of catchments in S. Tanzania at the First Project Steering Committee meeting for Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based source and activities (WIOSAP) project in November, 2017