Planning and management

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The Nairobi Convention is a partnership between governments, civil society and the private sector, working towards a prosperous Western Indian Ocean Region with healthy rivers, coasts and oceans.

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The first negotiation meeting on the text of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Western Indian Ocean Region was held on 25 and 26 September 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa.

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The meeting on the Partnership on Science to Policy Forum was organized by the Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean region in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) in Mahe, Seychelles on the 11-12 October 2016.

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In Decision CP7/15.1, Contribution to the United Nations Regular Process, Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention agreed to support and actively contribute to the United Nations Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, Including Socio-economic Aspects by nominating national experts or institutions to be part of the Pool of Experts and by providing the necessary information for the process and the assessment of marine environment.

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The Regional State of Coast Report for the western Indian Ocean (WIO) is the first comprehensive regional synthesis to provide insights into the enormous economic potential around the WIO, the consequential demand for marine ecosystem goods and services to match the increasing human population, the pace and scale of environmental changes taking place in the region and the opportunities to avoid serious degradation in one of the world’s unique and highly biodiverse oceans.

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Agenda - Meeting of Focal Points to the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development for the Western Indian Ocean Region

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The Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean (Nairobi Convention) holds a Conference of Contracting Parties (COPs) every two years to review the implementation of decisions of past COPs.

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Over the past 50 years (1963-2013) Africa focused her collective on the decolonization, the struggle against apartheid and attainment of political independence for the continent.

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A presentation by Dr. Kwame Koranteng on Making the best use of the Nansen Data Through The Nairobi Convention Platform. FAO/EAF-Nansen Project is as an emerging partner for the Nairobi Convention. The project Support fisheries policy formulation Support fisheries management Ecosystem assessments and monitoring Supporting oil and gas initiatives Capacity Buildingunderlies all activities

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Fifty years after the first thirty-three (33) independent African states gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to form the Organization of African Union, now the African Union, the continent is looking ahead towards the next fifty years.