Planning and management

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Nairobi Convention back to back meeting presentations - November, 2017

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For the past three years, aid flows in Somalia have been tracked through an annual mapping exercise. Significant progress has been made in improving aid transparency, which has informed better coordination. Aid data has also proven useful for monitoring aid effectiveness principles. This report presents the key findings from the aid mapping exercise conducted in 2016. The mapping exercise was led by the Aid Coordination Unit (ACU) in the Office of the Prime Minister.

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The Swedish support to Africa through the UNEP Africa Marine and Coastal Programme was instrumental in a number of ways in catalysing national action at both the Nairobi Convention and Abidjan Convention countries.

The objectives of the Agreement were:

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WIO under sea cables layer has been derived from Greg's global cable map which attempts to consolidate all the available information about the undersea communications infrastructure. The initial data was harvested from Wikipedia, and further information was gathered by simply googling and transcribing as much data as possible into a useful format, namely a rich geocoded format.

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The present study investigated diffusive emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) to the atmosphere from three relatively small (3–120 km2) reservoirs (Masinga, Kamburu and Gitaru) on the Tana River (Kenya). Sampling was conducted biweekly in 2011, 2012 and 2013, at sampling sites upstream and downstream of these reservoirs while five sampling campaigns were carried out in 2011, 2012 and 2013 for different sites within each of the reservoirs.

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The principle purpose of this report is to provide recommendations, advice and practical guidance, for establishing programmes to monitor and assess the distribution and abundance of plastic litter, also referred to as plastic debris, in the ocean.

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Pollution from land-based run-off threatens coastal ecosystems and the services they provide, detrimentally affecting the livelihoods of millions people on the world's coasts. Planning for linkages among terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems can help managers mitigate the impacts of land-use change on water quality and coastal ecosystem services.

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Report of the Working Group 40 of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) on Guidelines or the monitoring and assessment of plastic litter and microplastics in the ocean

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Revved up climate action’ needed to counter ‘prolonged’ and deadly storms like Cyclone Idai: UN

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Environmental flows improve water management by ensuring a sustainable water supply meets the needs of people, agriculture, energy, industry and the environment within the limits of availability. The application of environmental flows supports the health of aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of people who depend on them. By providing a system for equitable allocation of water, based on available supply, the application of environmental flows can support development and poverty alleviation.