Coastal and Marine Experts in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region
Josheena's doctoral work is situated at the nexus of political ecology and marine policy and focuses on adaptive management of marine protected areas (MPAs), community inclusion, environmental justice, and the valorization of natural and cultural heritage in marine governance. Josheena’s community-based scholarship explores the complexities of local environmental stewardship efforts and environmental identity in a post-colonial context.
Since 2007 I have been the manager and principle oceanographer at the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) node for marine offshore systems. I conceived the node and have grown it to a thriving, internationally recognised diverse team of multi-disciplinary scientists, technicians, students and project managers.
I have great interest in artisanal fisheries research, coral reef resilience, management and conservation.
Marine Pollution, Marine Litter, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring
He has expertise in most aspects of marine fisheries, marine governance, marine law and marine resource economics.
I specialise in the physical dynamics of estuaries; estuarine condition assessments; environmental flow requirements; climate change impacts on estuaries; and estuary management and policy. I am part of a core team that developed environmental flow requirements technologies for South Africa, e.g. Version 1, 2 and 3 of the eflows methods for estuaries. I have been involved in over 40 freshwater flow requirement (EFR) studies on estuaries in Southern Africa as project leader or hydrodynamics / physical process specialist.
I am currently co-leading the Marine Regions Forum project, focusing on multi-stakeholder dialogue and exchange processes within and between marine regions to accelerate transformative ocean action and strengthen regional ocean governance.
Expertise: marine socio-ecology, marine ecosystem conservation, stakeholder engagement, science-policy, collaborative governance, and knowledge exchange.