Yves Jean Michael Mong (PhD)

Current job title: 
Chief of Laboratory (Water and Food Quality Control and Analysis), National Center for Environmental Research
Areas of expertise: 
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Yves Jean Michel Mong is the current director of the National Center for Environmental Research (CNRE). He has worked in this research center since 1989, just one year after the creation of the center, where he had the privilege of working and enriching his professional experiences under the direction of the founder of the CNRE, Professor RAKOTOVAO Lala Henriette. During this period, he participated in the establishment, development, and expansion of the areas of competence and expertise of the current Laboratory of Analysis and Control of Food and Water (LACAE). Researcher in the Department of Environment and Quality of Life, he successively held the positions of Head of Analysis Section (Food Composition Analysis), Head of Laboratory, and Head of Department. After graduating in Food Technology and Chemistry engineer degree (University of Galati, Romania, 1987), he followed a training in Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management at the Center for Environmental Management and Planning (CEMP, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 1997). He then pursued his studies to obtain his Master of Science degree in Water Management at the University of Cranfield-Silsoe, UK in 2002, and a PhD in Water Science and Chemistry at the University of Tulear (2011) as part of a joint project of the Fishery and marina Science Institute (IHSM) of Toliara and the University of Stavanger (Norway) in which he was able to benefit from a scholarship and especially the scientific supervision of specialized teachers in the field of water treatment, wastewater and training in Bioprocess and modeling. Yves Mong has also benefited from various intensive courses of short duration in various topics related to environmental pollution, particularly the management of wastewater in coastal areas.

His current areas of research focus on environmental pollution (water, soil, and air) and its impacts, especially on marine environment. In this context, with researchers from CNRE, IHSM, and CNRO, he coordinated and produced reports on the state of marine environmental degradation due to pollution and impacts of land-based activities, the level of pollution of water, sediments, and biota in Mahajanga and Nosy Be hot spots as part of a UNEP / GEF funded project (2007). In addition, he has participated and is still involved in studies and assessments of the state of the environment and its resources (water) in collaboration with national and international researchers (Enviro Care India, CDC Atlanta, University of Angers, University of Ancona, PURE EARTH, ...) to try to develop indicators of their health status, within the framework of the missions attributed to the CNRE. Among its ongoing activities is the implementation of the Action Plan on Health and Pollution, applying the new approach linking pollution and health, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Public Health, and Pure Earth. In this context, it coordinates identification activities of sites contaminated with heavy metals (Toxic site identification program or TSIP) for the establishment of a national database on these sites and their potential impacts on health human. He is also teaching at the Faculty of Sciences, in the mention "Processes and Industrial Ecology", Course "Water Engineering and Environmental Engineering (2GE)" and at the National Institute of Public and Community Health (INSPC) Befelatanana, and continues to supervise students within the CNRE.

Expert's work/projects with the Convention (and associated projects): 
Dr. Yves Mong was appointed as the chair of the Regional Task Force on Component B on Improved water quality in the WIOSAP project.
Contact details: 

BP: 1739,

Rue Rasamimanana Fiadanana,

Antananarivo 101 Madagascar

Tel: (+261 34) 05 516 26

E-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]