Solonirinantenaina Heliarivonjy Rakotondramano

Current job title: 
Head of Mining Identity and Exploitation of Geo-Scientific Data
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
  • Head of Department at the Ministry in charges of Mines and Strategic Resources, Madagascar since 2013
  • Representative of Madagascar team in the JOGMEC/SADC Remote Sensing Competition in 2018, 3rd place, Lobatse-Botswana
  • Representative of Madagascar team in the JOGMEC/SADC Remote Sensing Competition in 2015, Best Skills Award, Gaborone-Botswana
  • Member of Madagascar delegation to the United Nations (New York-USA) for presentation to the CLCS of the extended continental shelf of Madagascar, Government of the Republic of Madagascar, 2011
  • Member of the Madagascar Task force (Technical Core Group) for delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf, Government of the Republic of Madagascar, since 2007
  • Hydrogeophysics in feasibility study for the installation of water wells since 2005
  • Geophysics in evaluation of Gold reserves, Graphite, Nickel, Beryl and Malachite deposits since 2005
  • Teaching at the University of Antananarivo in the modules of Remote Sensing, Database management, GIS, Applied geophysics, since 2006
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