Virginie Tassin Campanella

Current job title: 
Founder & Director
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
Attorney at law (Avocat à la Cour, Paris & Zurich Bar) specialised in Law of the Sea, International Organizations and Ocean Governance. 
Founder and Director of the Law Firm VTA Tassin dedicated 100% of its activity to the law of the sea and providing consultancy, representation and capacity building services to governments, organizations and the private sector. The firm is particularly active in the Science Policy Business framework and has specific expertise in working with scientists, diplomats, politician and the private sector. It is particularly active in Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific, incl. the Indian Ocean and has offices in Paris, Geneva & Zürich.
Dr. Tassin Campanella has expertise in biodiversity management (incl. BBNJ and fisheries), Illegal unregulated and unreported fishing activities, seabed mining and continental shelf, marine scientific research, implementation of SDG14 and Agenda 2030, strategic positioning of countries before international organizations (incl. WTO for fisheries negotiations), maritime delimitations, joint management areas, regional cooperation and governance framework, pollution, climate change, earth observation & space, and dispute settlement. 
Dr. Tassin Campanella hold two PhD one from Melbourne University and the other one from the Sorbonne University. She is an award winning law of the sea scholar (Monaco PhD Prize in 2011 and Brazil Research Prize in 2016), member of the scientific council of the Law of the Sea Institute of Monaco, International Counsel of the Brazilian Law of the Sea Institute and a listed expert before several organizations such as the World Bank and the IUCN (member of the World Ocean Group of the IUCN). Previous legal officer of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Dr. Tassin Campanella worked in Vietnam, Australia, China and Germany for the French diplomacy, several law firms, think tank, associations and the private sector. 
Dr. Tassin Campanella has 15 years of work experience with the Asia Pacific region and  10 years of experience with the Indian Ocean region, including Somalia, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Singapore.  
More information is available on the website of the law firm:
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