Strengthen sectoral policy and co-management of natural resources for better conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Union of the Comoros.

Project(s) linked to: 
Country of implementation: 
Duration of project: 
2 years
Objectives of project: 

The main objective of this project is to improve the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems through a reinforced sectoral policy and the effective implementation of co-management of natural resources.


Located at the northern entrance to the Mozambique Channel, the Comoros archipelago has one of the most productive fishery industries in the Western Indian Ocean region. Yet illegal fishing has become a threat not just to the industry, but also to the ocean ecosystem itself. Under this project, the Directorate General of Fisheries Resources from Comoros is developing a new plan that aims to produce a framework document to adopt improved legislative and regulatory texts to fight against these illegal practices.  It will create a new sector policy and operational implementation plan to strengthen the capacity of local fishing stakeholders to combat IUU fishing. The project will develop a strategy to incorporate train fishers on new fishing techniques to replace destructive practices, as well as to improve the living and working conditions of fishermen.